Beaver's Weekly Meeting
6th May 2014, 18:00 - 19:00

At tonight's Weekly Meeting, the 1st Foots Cray Beavers will
be planting sunflower seeds and learning all about what they need to grow, as part of their Gardener Badge. The
meeting starts at 1800 at the 1st Foots Cray Scout Group Hut in
Rectory Lane, Sidcup, Kent.
is welcome to bring along their child and a friend for a trial
experience of the fun activities on offer at the 1st Foots Cray Scout
Group's premises in Rectory Lane, Sidcup. So if your child is interested
in learning about growing flowers and their own vegetables, now is your chance to let them experience an
activity for free, as there is no charge for prospective members to
attend this trial session.
Why not make the most of the opportunity and speak to the Beaver Leader to discover more about what Scouts has to offer- you never know you may find you want to become more involved in Scouting yourself.