Thank you to our Chairman for the last 6 years
18th August 2020
At last night's AGM Steve decided to stand down as Chair, we would like to offer our sincere thanks for all his help over the last 6 years in this role.
We would like to offer a huge welcome to Joy, who has kindly agreed to take on this important role for the Group, and look forward to seeing her at Group events in the future.
Steve has asked us to share this letter to all members, leaders and supporters of the Group, and although he is stepping down as Chair, he is still hoping to continue supporting the Group in other ways.
As many of you will already know I have resigned as Group Chairman, a position I have held for a number of years. My decision has been based on health and family circumstances.
Over the years I have seen the Group blossom. Membership in all the Sections has increased hugely, and far more Scouting activities have been undertaken. 1st Foots Cray is now one of the strongest Groups in Sidcup and I must congratulate all the Section Leaders for their commitment and enthusiasm for making it so.
Karl, as GSL, has done a tremendous job in guiding the Group and there has been enormous improvements to the hall with new flooring and decoration. Improvements are still being made and special thanks must go to Richard for the enormous amount of work he has done to make these improvements.
Coronavirus and the lock down of Scouting locally, nationally and worldwide has put a tremendous strain on the Group Leadership and it’s been amazing to see how well the Group has coped with the problem with on-line virtual meetings etc. I have been told that 1st Foots Cray is one of the most advanced Groups in the District in this respect. Congratulations to you all.
I will continue to support the Group and when my circumstances have improved, I may be back to take on an alternative role.
Well done and best wishes to you all.
Steve Harvey